Ted Dekkers Life

Ted Dekker
Ted Dekker is a New York Times best-selling author, known mostly for his thrilling suspense novels. Dekker was born to missionaries, John and Helen Dekker, in the tiny Indonesian village of Kangime on October 24, 1962. "I grew up in one of the darkest places in the world you can imagine, in [the] jungle, with cannibals. I know we have certain images in our mind when we talk about cannibals, but we're talking about animism, heavy spiritualism, tremendous amounts of fear," Dekker told CNN on April 28, 2009. His parents’ work often included extended periods of time away from their children. It was this off-beat upbringing that forced him to rely on his own imagination to find a place that he belonged. After leaving Indonesia, Dekker graduated from high school and took up a permanent residence in the USA to study Philosophy and Religion. Once he earned his Bachelor's Degree, he entered the corporate world and proceeded to climb the corporate ladders. However, his personal drive left him restless and he traded in the corporate jacket for wide range of other pursuits. Dekker finally decided to pursue a old dream to be a novelist, and within two years he wrote and rewrote two full length novels. Now fully engulfed by the writing process, he realized that storytelling was something he was destined to do.

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Dekker started into his early writings that were spiritual in their outlooks, and therefore his begining novels are lumped in with ‘Christian Fiction’. When asked, he said that there are no Christians in his books, and he is not "Christianizing" them. He likes to write about great things happening to normal people. Dekker explores use of metaphors within his battles of good and evil, which can't be mistaken through anything for any man with faith.
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